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Intentional attraction & hypnotism: Let's talk relationships

You don’t attract what you want, necessarily. You attract that which you resonate with. Whether they are wanted or otherwise.

You may have heard this before and here's the reason for this. As well as, the workings behind hypnotism in helping you magnetize your desires. Your understanding of this process will bring you another step closer to living life intentionally and on purpose, as the creator that you are.

You can relate this to any area of your life. Whether it’s about the money you earn, the house you live in or the business you create. The law of attraction is always in motion. For the interest of this article, I am referring specifically to relationships and the ways the natural law of attraction is in action.

Your emotions are feedback

to the energy you are vibrating within.

This is how it works in a very brief overview. Thoughts are energy. Thoughts generate your emotions. Your emotions are feedback to the energy you are vibrating within. If you feel angry, you are vibrating at a lower density vibration. This is why anger feels heavy and weighted, much like compression around your heart-center. Love, gratitude and joy, are higher vibrational feelings, which is why these emotions have you feeling elated, inspired and the good kind of butterflies. So, let’s say that emotions are your feedback. Your signal letting you know where you are vibrating at.

Why is this important to understand? Well, because in order to live life in an intentionally, creative and expansive way, it helps to know how this works, so that you can adjust and realign your thoughts accordingly. Because thoughts are energy. The thoughts you have attract similar thoughts to it, over and over again.

Also, keeping in mind that the subconscious mind controls your behaviour, habits, personality and triggers, up to 95% of the time.

Here’s the next part of this. There are thoughts and beliefs that you have stored deep within your subconscious mind that have been collected over the years of your life. As you experience things, especially the emotionally impactful events, the thoughts and memories associated with that event is recorded within this part of your mind. Since this is the subconscious part of your mind, you are not consciously aware of the information that is stored in there. Also, keeping in mind that the subconscious mind controls your behaviour, habits, personality and triggers, up to 95% of the time. Which means, that until you consciously make yourself aware of the things you have stored, they remain hidden, so-to-speak. For most of the time, you are going through the motions on a default setting, as controlled by this unconscious part of you.

Now, piecing this together, it is the things within your subconscious mind that control your emotional frequency. Going back to what we know about thoughts being energy, and attracting like thoughts to those thoughts that create your frequency, you can see how there may be things that you are resonating with on a deeper level that are essentially creating your current experiences.

For example, if as a child, you experienced being told and shown that your feelings did not matter, or were neglected in some way, those earlier experiences would have been recorded and programmed within your beliefs. It is within this programming, or your beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of achieving, that generates the subconscious thought pattern and emotional frequency attached to those thoughts. On a subconscious level, you may be holding onto thoughts and feelings that are expressing lack of self-worth, that your needs do not matter and that you expect to be neglected by others. Again, as this is all energy, and like-energy attracts like-circumstances, you will then be attracting back to you relationships that reflect these most inner-deep thoughts that you are resonating with, such as unhealthy, toxic or unsatisfying relationships – even if you are not consciously aware.

You can now see how by simply wanting something different, such as a desire for a satisfying and harmonious relationship, is not enough. In order to create something new in your relationships, you must go deeper within and ‘reprogram’ your thoughts and beliefs. By doing this, you are then changing your emotional frequency. As your emotional frequency changes, you are moving yourself to something higher that will then be emanated out from you. It is this new higher frequency that will attract like-energy, or relationships, that are a match to that frequency.

Through this process, you are then reconditioning your subconscious programming, that will raise your emotional frequency, and attract to you the things that you are resonating with and desire.

This is where hypnotism comes in. Hypnosis allows access to the deeper part of the subconscious mind, either by recalling past events that have been forgotten, or by opening yourself to search within for the answers you already hold, but have consciously been unaware of. By accessing this information, enables you to dismantle the thoughts and beliefs that have been holding you back, and place new ones there by suggestions and new thought patterns. Through this process, you are then reconditioning your subconscious programming, that will raise your emotional frequency, and attract to you the things that you are resonating with and desire.

Remember, we are all moving through this life learning, healing, evolving and expanding. This is what we are meant to do. Our relationships are our main catalyst to awakening to the deeper truths of who we are. Relationships have the power to evoke some of our deepest triggers and activating. Within this activating, by having others reflect back to us the unhealed parts that are wanting to be released, is how we move to higher versions of ourselves. This is what we came here to do. We all have access to incredible and sometimes mysterious tools through the workings of our mind that will move and shift us into becoming more. This is where you get to live from the inside out, by taking your experiences and using them as the gateway to your healing, and ultimately, living intentionally according to your deepest hearts’ desires.


About Cristina

Cristina is the founder of Cristina Ruscica Coaching and Chatham-Kent Hypnosis and Healing. Cristina is the author of Breathe Wide Open: Exhale the Past and Fearlessly Recalibrate Your Life, and International Best-Selling Author for her contribution to, Aligned Leaders: Sage Wisdom From Women Choosing Their Soul’s Mission Over Societal Expectation With no Regret.

Cristina holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree Gen.(Psychology) and over 25 years experience helping others navigate through crisis and trauma. Her work experience, as well as the profound realizations within her own personal journey of healing and transformation, have created the basis for her writings and life coaching. She has designed a unique signature coaching modality, Inspired to Freedom, using both mindset and intuitive connection, as the pillars of her program. She believes in the power of the mind as the mechanism for optimal health, wellness and lasting personal change. In addition, Cristina is a certified hypnotist, which is used as her mechanism to help other’s awaken their potential, achieve breakthroughs and lasting change.

Helping everyday people with everyday problems!

Interested in learning more about how hypnotism can help? Book a consult now and find out whether hypnosis is right for you.

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