Dear soul...
I know there were times it seemed like I didn’t know You
That I had forgotten
The times I pulled away
The times I spoke poorly of myself
Or of another
When I didn’t think I was enough
The times I doubted, worried and feared
Having built the walls around me
That kept me in the dark
Away from You
I now know things different
and that You are with me now, as You have been all this time
I now see You when I was a child
Holding my hand when I felt scared
You were there when my heart was broken
As You held me up
When I felt too weak to stand on my own
I feel You with me when the worry and fear creeps into my mind
Nudging me back to remembering who I really am
You are my strongest guidance
Most loving support
Forever leading me every step of the way
You are the elation in my heart
The flutter in my belly
When I am moving in a way that is growing me
Stretching me
Expanding me
It is because of You that I feel the pull at times
When I am moving off course
From where my heart is wanting me to be
You stand tall and strong
Unwavering in the lead you take
Not ever giving into me when You know I’m off course
But holding your ground
Patiently waiting for me to return
because You know I always do
You are the peace after the pain
The love after the hate
The forgiveness after the scar
You are the glow that is seen through my eyes
The emotion in my heart
The light within the the dark
I now know You are forever speaking through me
Waiting for all those moments I leave my heart open
For You to let the words move through
You are here to express who you are
In this life
To experience the duality
Only for me to find my way back
For you, me, and everyone else
I now know that all there is
Is love
And although there are times
Many times I had forgotten
And still do every now and then
You are always here to remind me
It is because of you
The times I feel pure satisfaction
That can only be felt when You and I are aligned
When my thoughts are your thoughts
When my heart loves as yours
And my eyes see as You do
So, as I feel my way back to you
I see now
So clearly now
This isn’t about finding my way, really
Nor are You separate from me
But that You are me
And me as You
Guiding me
Expanding me
Experiencing life through me
As this vessel You – and I have chosen
The more I come back to this
Over and over each day
The light grows a little bit brighter
Leading me back from the dim
As I let You shine through me
It was always you
My forever love
My true love
As me – as you
